Long time NO speak!
I had planned to write a blog post this morning on a topic that is really very important and serious!
It will begin that way BUT the message might go off on a tangent!
I am the Queen of over shares....this is probably one of those times!!! Lol
Today I had a Gino appointment for the dreaded pap test.
Now....I have to be honest and I'm really very ashamed with myself, that this was my first visit in 9 years! There is no logical excuse other than I was so busy looking after my little people I just got on with it. I have all my bodily parts crossed that everything comes back clear!
This was how my day was supposed to go...
9:40am pap smear
11.10am big girls choir performance
12:00 visit a quilt shop I have been itching to see for the first time
1:30 home for an afternoon of sewing delight!
Here's how it went....
Arrived at my appointment...nervous as hell, but there and ready to get the show on the road!
Finally seen by doctor (Fail number 1) went through the usual stuff...YUCK!
When finishing up the lady doctor informs me "you might want to put a pad on....you are just about to get your period"! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! (Fail 2)
I have only just started getting my periods in the past 5 months because I had been breastfeeding...
I hadn't been expecting them so was COMPLETELY unprepared!
I quickly settled my bill ran to Woollies that is in the same arcade and it is now...
I do a quick calculation...min 15 min drive to town, finding a park, running to the hall.
I had missed the girls performance! (EPIC FAIL 3)
Oh and they won their competition so (DOUBLE EPIC FAIL) :(
...I compose myself and calmly walk to the toilets and get myself prepared for my impending "visitors" (intruders more like!) Okay all better!
My fringe has been bugging me so I decide to quickly duck into my hairdressers and ask for a trim....
no appointments till 12pm.
I didn't have brekky so I thought the perfect treat after my "ordeal" would be the new Franky Mag and a visit to one of the swanky cafes on the water front. We have been here 10 months and never visited them!! I found my park and quickly browsed the little shops windows as I went from menu board to menu board....trying to find the perfect delight. I settled on one right across from the beach, I exchanged chat to the waitress about my lovely teacup pendant and my cute cats eye sunnies and was seated. I opened my magazine...Oh the bliss!
Feeling Very proud of myself for finally having an exam and for visiting a cafe on my own I began to read. A lady in her 60's bustled up to my table and leaned in....she began to quietly say....
I just had to come and tell you dear....
your skirts tucked into your nickers, everyone can see what you had for breakfast!
Ha...WHAT? I hadn't even eaten yet! :/
I think I turned white then beetroot red!
I had walked through the shopping centre....the hairdressers.....the newsagents...through the car park.....down the cafe strip ALL with my bum showing! (SUPER DUPER EPIC FAIL 4)!!!
NOW slight interruption here. Yesterday hubby caught me with my hands in the sink and tucked my skirt into my nickers....I yelled get out of it! He then asked if I'd know if I ever had tucked my skirt into my jocks (his words) ??? I said "OF COURSE"! What type of idiot wouldn't???!!!
Well this kind of idiot I suppose! :/
Deary me!
Delish meal was finally delivered. I devoured it BUT missed my appointment (FAIL 5)
Arrrg! By now I am thinking just find a hole and sink into it miss Kylie!
I drove to my hair dresses and she confirmed I had missed it and I could not explain to her the chain of evens that had caused me to not be on time....
I'm not sure she would have even believed me! Or worse laughed me out of her shop!
I proceeded to drive home and be a sulky pants, lick my wounded ego...
and see proud parents posting pics on facebook of their kids singing in the choir! :(
That was my day from hell!
I needed to share it as I think I'll wake up tomorrow and think it was all a dream! I would like to believe it never happened BUT then I would have to have a pap smear ALL over again!
So....although I went off on a massive tangent PLEASE get yourself booked in for an exam if you haven't been in the last 12-24 months. I am sure it will be far less painless for you than it was for me! Lol
Kylie xxx