Thursday, February 02, 2012

Our Mama Skirt Comp WINNERS!!!!!!!!!

Hi There Lovelies!

Hope you are enjoying our new look....facebook, bigcartel and now our is our own web site! Eeeep....2012 is going to be big for us! our little mama skirt competition wasn't as huge as I would have liked....but I have decided to make it a quarterly event!
Good for everyone I think....skirts for you and advertising for us!
I'd love more pics and imagination next time PLEASE!!!!! :D

Okay so shall I announce the winners????
or keep stalling??? ;)

Okay, Okay here they are....

The winner of our Mama's in their "Mama's" category is...Drum roll....
Jeni from Handmade Love. with 46+  votes
Here's her entry:

Now for our second category...for those without Mama's (yet!)
And the winner is......Drum roll......
Kristi B from LivvysLoves with 101+ votes!

here's her entry:
If I were to win a Mama skirt, the first outing I would take it on is to this same beautiful park to blow bubbles with my baby girl, Livvy (and then I would wear it as often as I could get away with it ;p)

Congratulations Lovely Ladies!!!!
I would ALSO like to thank those that took the time to enter, It means so much to me that you would love to own one of my skirts! I hope you all enter again in 1st May 2012....the competition will run for a begins as soon as the entries come in so the sooner you get your entries to me the sooner you can start gathering your votes!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much gorgeous another wonderful Mama skirt for my wardrobe xoxox
