Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Bye Bye Boobie :(

Hi Ya Lovelies,

Tonight's blog is something I though I would never be writing about....I thought it would never end!
But Alas it now has and I'm SAD!

What am I talking about??
Boobie Feeding....
As most of you know I have a little girl named Addisyn....she is 2.3 years old and the apple of my eye.
She is also a breast feeder....a boobie addict!
It has been great feeding her as due to medical complications giving birth I wasn't able to successfully feed her 3 older sisters for very long.

Addy is the size of the average 18 month old so it didn't look or feel weird (to me) to be still feeding her.....although MOST people I know thought it was gross and I was the brunt of a many a boobie joke (must I say it was from males and women who haven't had kids yet!)

I am very proud I made it to 2 years and my original goal was 6 months but she was just to efficient at it....even self feeding if I wasn't paying attention!

Well is day 3 of no feeds :(
And quite by mistake! Addy forgot to have a feed on the 2nd of this month....
I was amazed I wasn't engorged! She had built up quite a supply and if I went 8hrs without her feeding I was usually bursting :/
So I told myself I'd be strong while ever I wasn't engorged so we can do only one feed per day then finally drop the 1 feed so I don't get mastitis..(for the 6th time!)
I was happy to do this over as many months as it took.

We'll here we are and I'm still fine....No engorgement......weird!
Addy is still asking for it...but I have managed to get her distracted with cups of water/milk and a cuddle.

I should be rejoicing at having my body back but I'm REALLY sad!
I wish I'd have known her feed on the 1st of January was going to be her last one....I think I would have videoed it or something?
I know I would have snuggled with her a bit longer savoring the ultimate bond between a mother and child. :( :( :(

Gosh, I'm getting teary!
I guess my baby is all growed up!

I know my story is not one many of you will be able to sympathise 100% with....because the percentage of breast feeding after 1 is pretty low.

But I guess it's like the first day of school.....the feeling that your baby really isn't a baby anymore.


Maybe I'll let hubby get his way with baby number 5? Or not??!..

        Kylie x

a precious memory i'll never forget xx


  1. oh i got all teary too (and let down!!)!!! I hope to feed my babe for as long as we are both happy, he's only 3 months so fingers crossed for many more feeds. Awesome job mama. xx

    1. Oh my goodness Kylie! This blog post has me welling with tears :( I too have recently stopped breast feeding, and while I am excited to have my boobs back after 3 1/2 years of BFing two babies, I'm so sad that my little girl has grown up. The irony is, all I've spoken about the past six months is how desperate I am to wear non maternity bras, and here I now am able to buy them and I can't bring myself to! Ha ha, the sentimental attachment ;)

  2. Hahahaha, Yes it is a bit of a double edged sword!
    we are 28 days in now and lil miss tried to latch herself on this morning....we are still trying to break with the routine of feeding. it's more of a behaviour thing now...not that she really wants it.
    And I recommend waiting for pretty Bras...I spent $250 on a few pretty bras as a pick me up with in a few days of stopping feeding....AND THEY DON"T FIT NOW! Arrrg!
    That will be another blog post one day when I find the time ;)

  3. Good Luck Gen...
    All I really wanted was to get to 6 months...after my track record that was my original plan. Then 1 year...then 18 months...then before I knew it Addy was 2! Eeeep! It was the best 2 years with her. I cherish it deeply xxx
