"make miss 4 smile day"!
Miss S has been very down and teary about the realities of our moving away from friends and family...we are 7 months in to our big move (time has FLOWN!) and she is now old enough to understand that nanny, poppy, grandma, grandad, auntie, uncle and cousin aren't down the road....
And that we won't be going back to our old home or be visiting her old kindy.
So I spent the day researching and purchasing 2 baby guinea pigs! She has been on at me for ages for a guinea pig or her ears pierced....Guinea pig it was!!!
They are SO cute and called frizzle and frazzle! I wanted Cash and Roy but the kids said NO :(
So we have 2 perfect little 6 week old lads...to go with our 2 little doggies (Milly and Astro boy)....
to go with our 4 little princesses....that go us....frazzled mummy and daddy!
And we wouldn't have it any other way!!!
I hope they last all the "loving" and "attention" that has been slathered on them!!!
I shall show you pics tomorrow :D
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