Tuesday, August 02, 2011

New BFF! hehe

Morning everyone!

I have been having a rather horrible week (so far as it's only Tuesday!) It feels like it should be a Friday though....

Miss A is still sporting a chest infection and angry nappy rash from the bought of gastro over the weekend and miss S has the vomits and wee'd the bed! :/
(as if a mummy of 4 didn't have enough to clean!)


Things are looking a little brighter this morning (even after the cleanups!)
I had a lovely visit from the Census delivery lady.
She was dropping the forms to our area and asked the usual questions they the census deliver form people do....

Q: How many Males permanently residing  at this address?
A: 1

Q: How many Females permanently residing at this address?

From here is where it could have gone either way with her response.....
It could have been the usual "Oh Poor Daddy" or the "haven't you got a tv"?? as if I've never heard that old chestnut before!

But no it went like this.....

Her: 5??
me:  Yes....that's right...5 including me...4 of those are little girls.
Her:  Are they all yours? (which I get asked quite often!)
Me:  YES! Lol
Her:  Oh, I would never have guessed....you look far to young!
        I wouldn't have thought you were over 18 dear!
Me: Oh really? Get outta town!!!
(I was standing in my mismatched pj's...after I asked hubby last night to get me a matching set from the MASSIVE folding pile. I had a feeling I was going to get caught in my pj's and wanted to look my best! hair looking like I've just stood in a wind tunnel, eyebrows looking bushier than the those on the beasts from where the wild things are and probably weetbix in my teeth!)

Anyhoo....I officially LOVE Glennis (Census lady).....she is my new BFF!

I am looking forward to our next catch up next week! (when she collects my forms) ;)

Ah well back to reality!

Also just a reminder to you good folk that the Ga-Ga Gifts Giveaway is still going on with $1500 worth of prizes up for grabs!
Make sure you're in it to win it!!!!!

Love Kylie


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